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E Power Biggs Recordings

E P Biggs Recordings Data Form

E P Biggs Recordings Data Form

Thank you for helping to identify the E P Biggs recordings held by the Boston Organ Library. To complete this form, first view the recordings that need identification by clicking on the "E Power Biggs" link in blue. Then click on "OHS Number" drop down box to verify that the recording you selected has not already been identified. This drop down box is kept current with the recording numbers that need composition/composer identification. After choosing a recording number, please click on the blue link, listen to the recording, note the time stamp, instrument(s),composition(s) and the composer(s) if known and complete the form below. Please include as much information as you can. Barbara Owen's book "E Power Biggs, Concert Organist" appendix C might will be helpful in identify the content of these recordings. This Appendix is available below
If you need to change the input you provided, please email Thank you

List of compositions, composer