February 22 Chapter Co-Sponsored Event
Merrimack Valley AGO Chapter’s Annual Mini-Convention
Saturday, February 22, 8:30 am – 1:30 pm
All Saints Episcopal Church
10 Billerica Rd, Chelmsford MA
Register online for the Mini-Convention. (Lunch orders must be placed by Friday February 14th.)
8:30 am – Coffee, Registration, Music Browsing
9:00 am – Choral Reading Session
9:35 am – Understanding and Recognizing Alzheimer’s
10:35 am – Pipe Organ 101 or
A Business Perspective on Growing a Church Program
11:45 am – The Weekend Organist
12:50 am – Lunch and Music Browsing
Click here to be directed to the complete list of 2024-2025 Chapter events.
March 9 Chapter Event
Plainchant Based Organ Works
Sunday, March 9, 5:30 pm
Church of the Advent
30 Brimmer St, Boston MA
Please mark your calendars! The March program based in plainchant has been rescheduled to 5:30 PM on Sunday March 9 at the Church of the Advent in Boston. Jennifer Lester will conduct Beneficia lucis, a Night Song vocal ensemble from First Church in Cambridge, in singing a variety of plainchant propers, antiphons, responsories, and hymns.
Six Chapter members (Jennifer Hsaio, Joshua Lawton, Daryl Bichel, Jennifer Velazquez, Heinrich Christensen, and Jeffrey Mills) will play organ works based on the chants that will be sung. More detail will follow by email as the date approaches.
Click here to be directed to the complete list of 2024-2025 Chapter events.
March 18 Chapter Event
Dinner with the Dean
Tuesday, March 18, 7 pm
Restaurant TBA
Needham MA
Have you signed up for the next Dinner with the Dean? Email Cathy at dean@bostonago.org no later than March 10 to let her know that you’ll be attending the dinner in Needham. She’ll respond with the name of the restaurant.
Plan to bring cash so we can easily split the bill. This is a wonderful way to get to know our chapter leadership and connect with other members!
Click here to be directed to the complete list of 2024-2025 Chapter events.
2024 – 2026 Officers and Executive Committee
Our Chapter has elected the following people as Officers of our Chapter:
Dean: Cathy Meyer
Sub-Dean: Jeffrey Mills
Treasurer: Daryl Bichel
Secretary: Joshua T. Lawton
Registrar: Kirsten Johnson
Members at Large – Class of 2026
Sean Glennon
Andrew Scanlon
Jerrick Cavagnaro
Members at Large – Class of 2028
Jennifer Hsiao
Andrew Sheranian
Jennifer Velazquez
Chaplain – Rev. Adam Isbitsky+
+ appointed by the Executive Committee
Code of Ethics
The Boston Chapter of the American Guild of Organists adheres to the National Organization’s Code of Ethics. To review the current policy, please click here

Deans of Our Chapter
The Massachusetts Chapter was founded in 1905. Our first Dean was George Albert Burdett (pictured here). Our website now has photos and biographies of all of our past Deans. You may view that resource by clicking here.
If you have any additions or remembrances of past Deans to add to our page, please contact us.
The History of the American Guild of Organists in Massachusetts by H. Winthrop Martin has been digitized. This resource includes Deans’ biographies from 1905 through 1954, along with programs and recitals held during those years. The full history of those years is available now by clicking here
*Sponsored Content: The Boston Chapter of the American Guild of Organists accepts a limited amount of advertising in order to provide financial support for the chapter. Acceptance and publishing of the advertising does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of the advertiser by the chapter. Contact the webmaster for information on placing advertising, which is subject to approval of the Executive Committee of the Chapter, in its sole discretion.